Housemaids work full time where they stay at your house for 24 hours or they work part time and work flexibly between 8AM to 6PM.
Cooks are mostly part time which usually depends on the availability in your area.
Caretakers, Ayahs and Governess work full time and also agree to do Day shifts or Night shifts.
Drivers usually work from 8AM to 8PM.
All household work including cleaning, dusting, sweeping & moping, cooking, child care, old person care etc.
Their education is usually between Vth to X Std.
They are either local people or come from village of Rajasthan, MP, Bihar and Bengal, depending on your location.
Yes, they have the experience of doing the work with previous employer except in few cases. However every house has the different way of working which you may have to get her familiar.
Yes, they are entitled for 3 days holidays in a month which may be decided mutually.
We will offer replacement of maid in such case. In 1 year from the date of joining of the 1st maid. Total 4 manpower is provided in a year.
We provide a detailed verification file of maid which includes : Copy of ID proof, photograph, Maid Application form, police verification, agency verification and even the finger prints of maid.
We provide the maid through out India. Please connect with us for details.
No We do not charge anything from maids for their placements.
We are just a call away from you.
Please reach us on 8239480939 or
whatspp or Instagram or Facebook or Google Messages, we would be happy to serve you!
The salary of the domestic help shall be payable according to the prevailing market.Content Here
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We have offices in 10 cities and and proudly serving clients across India since 2018.